STOP! This Technique Will Transform Your Life

Joseph McClendon III and Davide Di Giorgio, 2017

Joseph McClendon III and Davide Di Giorgio, 2017

Feeling stuck? UNmovitvated? UNable to move forward or to get stuff done?

In 2017, I had the great fortune of spending 2 days with Joseph McClendon III.

In many ways, you could say he is the science and psychology behind Tony Robbins. In fact, as a neuropsychologist he has a lot to teach us all. One of the most powerful techniques he shares is the his STOP technique.

Listen to Joseph explain the entire technique:

S. Say it!..STOP (pattern interrupt) When you are in an UNresourceful state of mind and you realize it, Say the word STOP out loud. You don’t have to yell, but the more intensity you bring to the word, the more effective the interrupt will be. This will immediately interrupt your state, and cause your brain to start searching.

T. Take a deep breath/walk/move (Physiology) Immediately after saying STOP and interrupting your pattern, jump up, shake it out, and take a deep breath. The breathe will help to change your state of mind by bringing oxygen to the brain; starting the process of clearer thinking and better choice.

O. Outcome….(Focus on what you want) Immediately focus on your predetermined state of mind that you wish to put in place of the negative pattern. Feel that emotion fully as you anchor it into your body. Don’t overthink, just act on it and let your body and mind do the rest.

P. Praise Yourself…(Reward) pat yourself on the back, celebrate, and shake your ass for noticing in the first place.


I like to repeat it at least 5 times each time I catch myself in an UNresourcesful state.

Combine the STOP technique with your daily celebrations and you’ll be sure to be on your way to creating UNprecedented results for yourself!

Davide Di Giorgio is the number one international best-selling author of Being UNapologetic, a keynote and TEDx speaker, youth advocate, Comparanoia™ expert, and a speaking and confidence consultant for students, teachers, parents, influencers and celebrities. His philanthropic endeavor, Project Being UNapologetic dares to tackle bullying and build confidence and self-esteem while funding dream projects for high school performing arts students. He is currently on a Global Wellness Celebration Tour spreading a message to Compare Less, Celebrate More!

To book Davide Di Giorgio for speaking, interviews, appearances, or consulting, contact him HERE