mental wellness

STOP! This Technique Will Transform Your Life

STOP! This Technique Will Transform Your Life

STOP! This Technique Will Transform Your Life

Feeling stuck? UNmovitvated? UNable to move forward or to get stuff done?

In 2017, I had the great fortune of spending 2 days with Joseph McClendon III.

In many ways, you could say he is the science and psychology behind Tony Robbins. In fact, as a neuropsychologist he has a lot to teach us all. One of the most powerful techniques he shares is the his STOP technique.

How to be Yourself in a World That Wants You to be Somebody Else

How to be Yourself in a World That Wants You to be Somebody Else

How to be Yourself in a World That Wants You to be Somebody Else

History is made by those who refuse to follow the status quo. 

Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of a bus, single handedly halting the tide of segregation. Mahatma Gandhi won Indian independence from Britain through nonviolent protest. 24-year-old Mordechai Anielewicz led the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, holding back the inevitable Nazi deportation of the Jews of Warsaw for nearly a month.

This Former Teacher Launches Confetti at the End of his TED Talk. The Reason He Did it Will Make You Melt.

This Former Teacher Launches Confetti at the End of his TED Talk. The Reason He Did it Will Make You Melt.

Former Teacher Launches Confetti at the End of his TED Talk and You’ll Love the Reason Why

Two weeks before stepping onto the stage at TEDx Colorado Springs, former teacher Davide Di Giorgio realized there was one thing he needed to do in his talk that would drive his message home.

More importantly, he wanted to send a message to the thousands of students he had worked with over his lifetime.

Are You Suffering From Comparanoia®?

Are You Suffering From Comparanoia®?

Are You Suffering From Comparanoia®?

Do you:

  • Compare yourself to everyone else’s Facebook status posts?

  • Measure your success against someone else’s or your own criteria?

  • Try to be the same as — or different from — someone else?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you are suffering from what I’ve come to call Comparanoia®. The good news is that there’s an antidote. But before I share the antidote, let me tell you what Comparanoia® is and, what it isn’t.

5 Simple (and Practical) Ways To Improve The Mental Wellness of You and Younger Ones

5 Simple (and Practical) Ways To Improve The Mental Wellness of You and Younger Ones

5 Simple (and Practical) Ways To Improve The Mental Wellness of You and Your Younger Ones

You work out, right?

OK, you know physical activity is beneficial and improves your life, right?

What about your mental wellness? Do you work on it? How? How do you empower your kids to have good mental health?

During the time I was a teacher, I learned not only the importance of mental wellness, but also how intrinsically tied to all things — including overall achievement — it is.

Recently, I was interviewed by Josh Ochs’ on his Smart Social Podcast where I shared 5 ideas on how to improve mental wellness…